Resolve conflicts without court!
Learn how to divorce without court; handle estates, wills, inheritance and trust disputes privately.
Divorce Resolution for Parents
- Spouses pledge not to go to court
- An honest exchange of information by both spouses is agreed upon.
- Solutions take into account the highest priorities of both spouses and their children.
- Professionals work with both parents to arrive at a solution which is best for everyone.
Estates and Trusts Collaboration
- Collaborative professionals help set up estate plans that ensure cooperation among heirs.
- Inheritance disputes are resolved without court proceedings.
- Privacy among all parties is preserved.
- Assets are conserved through lowered costs
- Family relationships are improved.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Decision-making power isn’t turned over to a judge or other third party.
- Clients and their attorneys are at the heart of a working team, which may include mental health, financial and other professionals as needed.
- Clients don`t sign an agreement until each of them is comfortable with it.
A Collaborative Divorce
Find a Collaborative Professional

Can I Still Get Divorced With The Courts’ Closed Doors And Delays?
by Kathy Campbell, CFLS; www.campbellfamilylaw.com
Recently, several Santa Clara County judges participated in a webinar regarding the impact the Coronavirus Shelter In Place Orders have had on the county’s court system. It was a sobering discussion. The courts are doing everything they can to protect Santa Clara County residents’ rights. Nonetheless, the impact will be significant. As a collaborative divorce attorney, my practice offers some creative solutions for addressing family law needs during this time when court access is limited. Although the Shelter In Place Orders closed the courts’ doors and will cause unprecedented delays; California collaborative professionals will keep their video conference windows open to help you finalize your divorce.
Since the Shelter In Place Order was issued, information from the courts about the impact on courts has been limited. Questions from clients about how the court’s closure will impact them have been difficult to answer. Today’s webinar finally provided some very difficult answers.
Parenting During Divorce: What to Embrace
After much waiting and debating, internally and externally, the divorce is underway. You and your spouse have broken the news to the kids. The …
Divorce with Respect Week 2025
CPSV is part of a state organisation of attorneys, therapists and financial experts who are working on promoting divorce solutions that are out of …
Introduction to Collaborative Practice Estates & Trusts
Collaborative Practice Estates & Trusts takes a professional team model — Collaborative Practice — that’s been highly successful in the …